One of these days I might actually sign up for a Facebook page, but let's start with baby steps. I'm not technically challenged whatsoever. The problem is that after sitting in front of a computer at work for 10-11 hours a day, I usually don't want to go home and get back in front of a computer. So why don't I spend a few minutes a day on "Web 2.0" (whatever that means) activities at work? The problem at work is that we sit on a desk that is just a long row of seats with no cubicle like separations, just workstations about 7 feet apart. My boss sits right to my left, and my boss' boss sits over a my right shoulder. Even though no one would really care, you don't want to be "that guy" who is always caught screwing around with his facebook page at work.
Anyway, hopefully I'll post something in here every so often. If that's not too much of a stretch, hopefully somebody will occasionally read it. I have Mom, Dana, & my 2 sisters, so maybe having 5 people reading my blog would be a great goal to shoot for!
What will I put in here? Hopefully nothing that will offend my friends & family too much. Someday I might have some adorable pictures of a baby to put in here, but in the meantime I'll have to come up with some other topics. So fair game is going to be trip/events, rants about financial markets, and NASCAR (or other sports depending on the season). Hopefully somebody can enjoy this!
Glad you are doing this Jamey!