My brain just had a conversation with my body...
Jamey’s Brain: Hey Body, what was the deal with Sunday?
Jamey’s Body: Hey Brain! Wait what? What are you talking about?
Brain: We went out for an easy 13 mile long run and you were sore and sluggish the whole way. We’ve been running 50-60 miles for the last 4+ months & usually going for much longer – and faster - runs every weekend. Why would an easy 13 be a such a big deal.
Body: Um, hello! You’re supposed to be the smart one! I just take oxygen in through the lungs, stick it in the blood stream, use my heart to pump that blood all over the place, mix the oxygen with glucose, which I burn in order to stuff energy into ATP molecules, which I then convert to ADP molecules, which releases bursts of energy, which finally causes those precious muscle fibers to twitch, propelling you forward for whatever reason you find that so darn important!
Brain: That sounded pretty smart.
Body: I have no idea what that means – I just stole that from your 1993 memory archives. What is this: Mr. Tatum’s biology class?
Brain: Anyway, back to the point. What’s the deal, yo?
Body: Hello?! What was the deal with making me run that 30K. We had an agreement. You were going to run hard for part of the race, but you push me for 18.64 stinkin’ miles! That’s digging pretty deep in the well. I can’t refill it overnight bro!
Brain: C’mon! You’re still whining about that? That was a week ago!
Body: Then what about Saturday. I had to run a hard workout – first downhill, then uphill, dirt, then grass – 24 minutes total of HARD running!
Brain: Well look, I let you take that whole week pretty easy. At some point we have to tune up for next Sunday’s cross country race – this one’s a big one!
Body: Sigh... always something coming up. If last week was so easy then what was Thursday all about.
Brain: Oh that... 5 x 400 meters? That’s about the shortest workout I’ve ever done! The intervals were short, and I only ran the 2nd half of them all that hard. And as soon as the legs started aching, I quit the workout. The whole point of some short turnover was to make you feel better without adding too much stress.
Body: Nice work genius – that sure did the trick! It’s bad enough I have to allocate so much blood, sugar, and oxygen to your precious thinking functions. Not to mention, you just happen to stick yourself at the highest point of the body.
Brain: Look, that’s how God created us, it seems to work pretty well.
Body: Ok, fine, I’ll let that part go. So we’ll just have to agree to disagree about how we felt Sunday.
Brain: Ok, fair enough... can we talk about next week.
Body: I figured it would be something. So now what.
Brain: The Pacific Association Cross Country race is on Sunday. It’s the longest and most competitive cross country race we’ll run all season. This is one of the main races I’ve been gearing up for all fall. I’m sorry I put you through so much stress in the 30K last Sunday, but can we be ready for this coming Sunday?
Body: Ok, that’s fair. I think we can arrange that. You aren’t going to bury me in any workouts this week, are you?
Brain: No, definitely won’t. Tuesday we’re to run one of our favorites – alternating 800s & 300s. The 800s will be a bit faster than cross country race pace, and the 300s will be pretty fast.
Body: Ahhh... I usually feel pretty sharp after something like that. Running those 300s immediately after a longer interval gets me ready for one of those finish line sprints. Just don’t do too many of them.
Brain: Nah, don’t worry, only 4 sets – 4400 meters of hard running – less than 3 miles.
Body: Sounds good – and the rest of the week?
Brain: Some shorter runs, then some long strides on Thursday.
Body: A mini-taper? Sounds good. We’ll be ready to go Sunday! Well.... as long as you don’t do something crazy like make me run another race a few days later.
Brain: DEAL!
Body: Cool. WAIT! WHAT! Your... I mean my... fingers are crossed!
Brain: Oh yeah, I guess I wasn’t going to sneak that one by you.
Body: So what’s this other important race?
Brain: A fast competitive 5K road race. Our post college PR is a little embarrassing. I’m not expecting a world record, but can we at least knock 30 seconds off that time?
Body: I guess I don’t have any choice.
Brain: What do you mean? Sure you have a say...
Body: I do have a say, but you’ve gotten much much better at ignoring my pleas to slow down and stop running. Searing lungs, and burning muslces just don’t get your attention as much.
Brain: Yeah, I’ve been working on that... But seriously, I appreciate you being a good sport.
Body: It’s a thankless job. But at least I enjoy being in good shape.
Brain: Just a few weeks left until you get a rest. That I can promise.
Body: Thanks. I look forward to it.