I was heading out for 7-8 miles tonight, and running on a fairly flat section of trail, took a step and felt a POP on my right ankle. I hadn't even taken a bad step but something got injured.
I had a similar injury back in 2006 playing soccer (which was my sport for a while during my multi-year hiatus from competitive running). The bit that concerns me, is that I sprained the exact same spot, and that it happened just taking a fairly normal step. Throughout the past year, I've suspected that my right foot and ankle hadn't been as strong as my right because minor aches and pains kept popping up in different spots about 5 times as frequently on the right side as the left. Also, my right ankle also looked more "puffy" than the left. I figured I should have done some basic strengthening exercises, but blew them off. It's tough trying to balance working 50 hours a week & running 50-60 miles. After all that, I want to be able to spend time with my wife & and then see friends when I can. I love running, but it's not the most important thing in my life anymore. Tonight is a good reminder.
Well, I guess I'll stop there. I think I found the perspective I needed :)
Thanks to the nice lady who stopped her car when she saw be sitting on the ground by the trail 100 feet off the road! I'm not sure what this does to my Spring training & racing. I can't imagine I'll be running in the next week. I just hope it's not several weeks. 75 days till the 100th Dipsea. I'll be there & I'll find a way to be ready!
BUMMER. I'll be praying for you.
ReplyDeletelove you bunches and thanks again for the time in SF and parts beyond.
oh SUCK. I was telling Jon just the other day that my ankle is still weak from the 3 sprains this past fall. This is a good reminder for me to keep doing my strengthening exercises!!!