Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's been 100 years, now there's 1 day to go

The wait is almost over for the 100th Dipsea Race.  Friday night, Dana & I picked up our bibs.  It was so cool to see it say "100th Running of the Dipsea Race" at the top.  What started as a bet over beers at the beach in the early 1900s quickly turned into the toughest and most storied cross country race in the U.S. 

My participation seems like a bit of a coincidence.  In early '09 I was running with a buddy who he was entering that year's race to guarantee a spot for the 100th race.  I thought, hmmm... sounds fun, maybe I'll do the same.  I got a spot in the 99th running through the lottery system, and a good race easily qualified me for this year.  Sometime between receiving my entry confirmation in '09 and toeing the starting line last year, I fell in love with the race.  I was introduced to the Pelican Inn runnres (a group of guys that first started meeting for runs back in 1985).  The original - now silver haired - crew has been joined by younger runners over the years.  I also read about the past and recent history of the race, and have been dying to be part of it ever sense.  I've been dreaming out the 100th race since I cross the finish line of the 99th!

My long build up hit a snag, when I missed most of April with a sprained ankle.  Training was frustrating at times in early May, but I kept pressing hard.  Finally the last couple weeks, everything has come together.  My training runs on the course kept getting faster, while feeling easier.  Tomorrow I'll run my second Dipsea, but first time out of the Invitational section. 

If you don't know about the Dipsea Race, it's very unique.  The time you start the race is based on your age/gender handicap, then you run approximately 7.5 miles with over 2000 feet up & down over treacherous terrain, then finish in Stinson Beach.  First person across the line wins.  People I normally don't compete against - particularly younger and older runners - become rivals thanks to the handicaps.  There's no age group awards, black t-shirts (with numbers) for the top 35 to finish.  I can't wait to try mine on!

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